Monday, July 9, 2012

Immersing ourselves in His presence, brings forth a glow...

There is no coincidence that when people travel to other countries, little by little they adapt to that country’s culture. If there long enough, they begin to talk, walk and maneuver like those of the native land. Adapting is natural for us. It’s a form of survival which has been built in our instinctive DNA. And if the place that we are in adds value to our character, personality and moral being, then adapting (through knowledge of the culture and its history) would naturally become important. We are all trying to get better, aren’t we?
 I say this because I am learning more and more how being in God’s presence helps us become a reflection Him. Most importantly, love as He loves and stand firm against the evil powers and principalities (Ephesians 6:12) of the world as Jesus did when He walked the earth. Being in His presence by way of reading, praying, worship, fellowshipping with others, WILL help add value to our character, personality and moral being.
If I spend much of my time with someone who has a certain scent, let’s say flowers, eventually I am going to smell like flowers. On the flip side of that, if I spend much of my time at the garbage dump, sooner or later I’m going to smell like garbage. I totally believe that we should be out there in the world, having non-Christian friends, with the intent of sharing the Good News and potentially assisting the Lord in leading those Christ. Throughout our entire day (24 hours) we must be cloaked (physically and mentally) with the cloth of Christ. Let’s wrap ourselves in the threads of the very fabric that brought us our salvation, through fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the love of Jesus.
 When Moses was on the mountain for 40 days/40 nights (no bread or water), while writing the commandments that God was giving Him, he came down from the mountain completely different. The scripture (Exodus 34:29) says, When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.” Moses wasn’t even aware of this as he didn’t go up to the mountain with this glow. It came about as he spent consistent and dedicated time with the Lord. We are also able to receive this glow, given that we follow the same format. I’m not telling anyone to go 40 days without food or water, but I am encouraging devoted and dedicated time to God.
 What I love the most was how they (the Israelites), saw the Lord in Moses and feared him. The very next verse reads, “When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him.” What makes this line so powerful and beautiful is that the fear the Israelites had, was the same fear they showed when the Lord had attempted to speak to them, in Exodus 20:18 “When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.” It wasn’t Moses that they were truly afraid of, it was the presence of God, upon Moses, that scared them.
Friends, this world does not like us, as it hated Jesus. The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy all that we have and do. His main purpose is to prevent us from living out the will of God in our lives, while trying to separate the union of the body of Christ. Ex: If he can have two believers arguing (even over biblical principle) then he’s winning. But TAKE COMFORT THAT THE BATTLE WAS WON 2000 YEARS AGO!
Let’s immerse ourselves in the presence of God. I am just now realizing the importance of this as I have been attacked lately. But prayer, reading and listening to Gospel music, along with the encouraging words of other believers, has allowed me to change my attitude and perspective on things. Considering how that is only done by the grace, mercy and power of the Lord, I can guarantee that the same will happen to you.
 The key is not to be feared by others, but for others to see the Lord in us. This is done by the fruits that we display when faced with the world’s issues and the enemy’s attacks. Immersing yourself in the Lord will help you gain His character, therefore when we are faced with trial and tribulation, as the word guarantees (James 1), we will process it with the mind of Christ, react with the strength of Christ and speak with the authority of Christ. Those outside of the presence of God serve as punching bags to the enemy. Throughout the storm, they stand naked, wet and cold, without Hope or Faith in better days ahead, outside the protection of the one who loves them the most. I was one of those folks until I learned the power and grace of the Lord. I’m still learning and still seeking to immerse myself in Him, daily.
 I pray that you all find this love note helpful while on your journey as the Lord put this on my heart for the sole purpose of encouraging others.
Peace 2 U,
James a.k.a. His Messenger

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