Monday, July 9, 2012

The Balloon and the Piñata

You know,
I was thinking about how a balloon symbolizes many of us in this world. Appealing to the eye on the outside but hollow on the inside. Many believers in Christ also have this issue as they look the part in, their outer shell, but when it comes to what's inside they, too, are hollow.

Then, I thought of how a piñata (mainly used for birthday parties) is the opposite.

Piñatas, unlike balloons, are filled with "goodies" and they, too, are appealing to the eye (from the outside looking in). However, they have to be broken, or ripped, for others to enjoy what lies inside. Stick with me, there is a point to this.

I'm going to go on the limb here and say that true Christ followers are more like piñatas. Filled with the God’s “goodie’s” or spiritual fruit (kindness, gentleness, love, peace, joy, self control) for the sole purpose of benefiting others (as a part of doing His will). Once our outer shell (flesh) is broken (just like a regular piñata) all who are around us can enjoy what is inside of us. God is breaking us in many ways, old habits, attitudes, mind sets and misconceptions in order to re-build us. His purpose for re-building us is so that we can nourish others with the fruit we bear. Consider it a re-construction phase. When a balloon is broken, or popped, no body benefits.

Point is, take joy when others "beat you up" like a 7-yr old at his birthday party for God is allowing this to happen so that, once broken, the world can enjoy the fruits of the spirit that grow deep inside of you.

Peace 2 U,

James a.k.a. His Messenger

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