Monday, July 9, 2012

Cover your wounds with His cloth...


You know how when you cut yourself, you begin to bleed? As a result of the overflow of blood our first reaction is to wipe away the blood and put a band aid over it, in an attempt to clog the blood flow. This action will then result in stoppage, thus giving the wound a chance to begin healing. Once the flow is clogged, the healing process will begin and, in due time, a scab will form on your wound. It may leave a scar, but will eventually heal.
 Well such is the same when we endure emotional or mental wounds. Sometimes, the blood flow (in the form of doubt, depression, worry, anger etc.), as a result of those wounds, wouldn’t allow for a healing process, IF WE LET IT. I encourage you all to put a band aid (The promises of God, through His word), or clog this overflow of blood from your wound, to begin your healing process. Sure, it may leave a scar but it will be a constant reminder of what Christ has done in and for you.
 For those that know what I’m going through at the moment, I may sound like a hypocrite. But forgive me for I am not. I actually really did cut myself as I was washing dishes this weekend (don’t judge me) and I clogged it. Yesterday I noticed that a scab (sorry for those who just had lunch) was beginning to form and the healing process was began. As I was having lunch today, I looked at my hand, thought about what I saw and the Holy Spirit spoke to me. He gave me this analogy to help folks, myself included, see how our natural healing process when inflicted with wounds can apply to our emotional and spiritual healing process when inflicted by the attacks of the enemy.
 In closing, clog your wounds with the bandages of Christ and His word, for they will stop the overflow of any doubt or depression or worry that may try to overtake you as a result of what you’re going through.
 Your brother in Christ,
James a.k.a. His Messenger

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